NAPALM / (ˈneɪpɑːm,-) /
Just like the highly incendiary substance used in fire bombs and flamethrowers, the NAPALM repack also brings the heat.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ $200 floor_$1-1.6k ceiling
MOAB / (ˈmoʊˌæb) /
Just like the ancient kingdom southeast of the Dead Sea, the MOAB repack is full of veteran and rookie royalty.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ TBD
STEALTH / ('stē'LTHē) /
As a secret, clandestine, or surreptitious happening, the STEALTH repack sneaks up in value then surprises with its hidden power.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ $50 floor_$400-800 ceiling

Nēw Products
// Frēsh repacks from Stackēd //
KENETIC / (kɪˈnet̬.ɪk) /
Relating to the motion of material bodies, the KINETIC repack moves with unstoppable energy.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ $20 floor_$220 ceiling
NEXUS / (ˈnek.səs) /
As the means of connection between things in series, the NEXUS repack connects you to the hobby like never before.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ $50 floor_$300 ceiling
ATOMIC / (əˈtämik) /
Propelled or driven by atomic energy, the ATOMIC repack is game-changing power personified.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ TBD
VELOCITY/ (vəˈläsədē) /
With speed, direction, and force, the VELOCITY repack moves with weight and intentional direction.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ TBD
EVOLVED / (əˈvôlv,əˈd) /
Developing from a simple to a more complex form, the EVOLVED repack features a maturing group of athletes.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ TBD
BATTLE / (ˈbætl̟;) /
As an encounter between opposing forces, the BATTLE repack hits with power and strength -- an immovable object.
Variations \\ football | mixed sports | basketball
Value \\ TBD